
Showing posts from June, 2012

Le Petit Prince Doll: Creator Says He Will Produce Book

I love it! Prince fan and artist Troy Gua created the doll you'll see in the video, Le Petit Prince, a tribute to Prince, the singer. I heard about it on Facebook today, but according to the video, the dolls went viral on the Internet back in the spring. Gua can't reproduce this doll for sale, an amazingly accurate likeness of Prince, without the star's

Star Trek's 'I, Mudd': liar's paradox and the Cartesian subject as rhetorical form

This has always been one of my favorite scenes from the original Star Trek series starring William Shatner as Captain Kirk and Leonard Nimoy as Spock. It's the liar's paradox scene from the "I, Mudd" episode. I am currently contemplating that this scene illustrates not simply the operating of a logical paradox but also how faulty rhetoric supplies disruptive content to a subject that defines

Nothing I Would Rather Be -- Everybody sing!

So, I'm home, working on my thesis . . . again. With the death of my father in late April, completion was postponed, but I'm almost done with some rewriting and editing. My thesis is on the diary of Marcus Bruce Christian, a self-trained African-American historian, poet, and writer who was born in 1900 in what is now Houma, Louisiana. When he was 17, he moved to New Orleans. Eventually he ran

George W. Bush's head on a spike? Tsk, tsk, Game of Thrones. HBO yanks season one episode.

On one hand, this whole controversy about HBO's Game of Thrones using a fake severed head of former president George W. Bush in episode 10 of season one is silly. It's something that the GOP blew up to recast itself as oppressed for the sake of gaining more power. How Cersei Lannister of them.On the other hand, I've got to wag my finger at the Game of Throne producers and directors. Really?

Rodney King Found Dead at Bottom of Pool

What can I say about the death of Rodney King at age 47 but R.I.P., accidental and imperfect icon. I wish I could say that his death represents the end of an era, but with the Trayvon Martin case, the Darius Simmons case (not his murder as much as how the police treated the family while his body lay on the sidewalk) and other similar cases, I know any announcement of an end to police officers

I'm 'Fixin to Post' on Charles Jolivette's Tyler Perry Audition

If you're from New Orleans, you know what this post indicates. It suggests that I am about to do something and what you see now is preparation for whatever it is that I'm about to do. In this case, I mean that I'm getting ready not for a post at this blog, but something more organized with a little more thought, perhaps, that I will post and another Internet publishing location. Procrastinators

Malcolm Gladwell discusses Steve Jobs and Bill Gates (video): History will recall Gates not Jobs

I had to watch the Malcolm Gladwell video above for two reasons: 1.) I'm fascinated with the way Gladwell thinks, and 2.) in it he talks about entrepreneurs in general and two in particular that intrigue me as well as others—Steve Jobs and Bill Gates. As, reports, the author of Blink and other books is speaking at a Toronto Public Library event in Canada, and during the conversation

No Woman Has Moderated a General Election Presidential Debate in 20 Years

In 1992, the United States of America witnessed three General Election Presidential Debates. Jim Lehrer of PBS moderated the first and third, and Carol Simpson of ABC News moderated the second. My son was still in diapers then; he'll be 22 later this year. Then, my daughter was just a tween; today she's past 30, old enough to have a tween of her own. So, it's been 20 years since a woman moderated