
Showing posts from October, 2012

Meteorologist compares, contrasts Hurricane Sandy to Katrina

WDSU meteorologist Margaret Orr acknowledged that Hurricane Sandy was a horrific storm and its death toll of 50 lives is tragic, but she also took time on Tuesday night's broadcast to compare Hurricane Sandy to Hurricane Katrina. The picture above shows her basic points, one of which is that Katrina had a storm surge 28 feet, but Sandy had a surge of 13.88 feet. Yes, 13.88 feet is

Facebook Users Mistake Katrina-Associated Photo for Hurricane Sandy in New York? No, That's Nebraska.

Most likely, the artist who created the Hurricane Sandy picture (left) did not intend to create confusion, but the picture he or she created that shows a hurricane behind the Statue of Liberty is being mistaken on Facebook (10/29/2012) as “an amazing shot of New York today with the Frankenstorm bearing down.” Some people think it’s a real photo of Sandy, but if you look closely, you’ll notice

Romney's Double Standard for President Obama

Mitt Romney, who's been attacking President Obama on the debt, says in his budget plan that he will not be able to balance the budget until the end of his second term. So, how do his supporters defend the Romney argument that Pres. Obama has not balanced the budget in his first term and therefore should be voted out of office? Do people actually listen to the words or read what Romney says he

Sucked into Sound: Listen to Bobby McFerrin, Richard Bona

Most likely, I do not have to tell Americans who Bobby McFerrin is, but an introduction to Richard Bona may be warranted. Bona is an African musician from the country of Cameroon. I enjoyed this video. I needed it as well.

The Voice: Trevin Hunte vs. Amanda Brown of Team CeeLo

Here's a sneak peek of one of the battles viewers will see this Monday night on NBC's The Voice. It's Trevin Hunte vs. Amanda Brown of Team CeeLo singing "Vision of Love," a song made possible for Mariah Carey.

Ali Veshi Talks Sense to Jack Welch (Video)

I applaud how Ali Veshi tried to reason with Jack Welch on CNN tonight. Anderson Cooper was smart to call him in. Had to post the video.

President Obama's Grandmother died in 2008 before he won

A young Barack Obama with his grandmother Madelyn Dunham of Hawaii. She passed away in 2008 at age 86 due to cancer. I can only guess at the reason my blog suddenly has so many hits from people searching for information about President Obama's grandmother, Madelyn Dunham, who was his maternal grandmother, the mother of his mother, Ann Dunham. The president spoke about Madelyn Dunham last

Trevin Hunte Sings "Listen" on The Voice

Trevin Hunte's moving rendition of "Listen" on this season's The Voice on NBC. Chills. Yes. As my mother would have said, "He laid that!" Blake Shelton was up asking Adam Levine what was wrong with him that he didn't push his button for this young man. But Trevin's got some stiff competition, including Nicholas David and quite a few others. I'll find the time to watch. I'd buy an album by