
Showing posts from December, 2012

In honor of the 12-21-12 Mayan Apocalypse, I recall my Y2K night (Video)

I have paid less attention to tomorrow's prophesied world end than I have to the man in the moon. I recall the hype about Year 2000 mayhem, and due to my job back then in the Midwest, I spent New Years Eve 1999 helping to monitor the computers that protected financial information in underground data centers. The experience was less spooky than it sounds, and as many readers know, nothing

Stray Bullet from New Orleans Shoot-Out Hits School Bus

WWL-TV New Orleans reports that earlier this afternoon, a stray bullet from a shoot out hit a school bus. The incident happened near the Iberville Housing Project, part of the Treme community, and shattered glass injured a child. Her injuries were treatd on the scene. Police are investigating.

I Almost Felt Guilty Laughing at Maine Justice on SNL with Jamie Foxx (Video) Happy Birthday, Jamie!

If you're looking for the March 9, 2013, episode with Justin Timberlake, try this link. The following post shows video featuring the Jamie Foxx episode of December 2012. For six months this year, Jamie Foxx worked in New Orleans starring in Quentin Tarantino's slave film Django Unchained. Perhaps it was then that he noticed all the different accents and craziness that goes on down here. On

Jersey Grit Propels Steven Hart's Novel, We All Fall Down

If you’re in the mood for a well-crafted, gritty page-turner focused on crime and punishment in a New Jersey township, then Steven Hart’s We All Fall Down is the novel for you. Hart has written not only a compelling story but also shaped his heroine, Karen McCarthy, into a believable woman. Karen McCarthy is the only female cop on a police force determined to make misogyny its battle cry, but

Report Follows Up on NYPD Officer and Homeless Man

I remember seeing on Facebook the picture of the NYPD police officer who gave the homeless man a pair of boots. The story moved me, and I learned more watching this video at CNN with story. Officer Lawrence DePrimo, who's received lots of attention for helping the man, said it was very cold; he saw Jeffrey Hillman's blistered feet and wanted to help him. He asked about buying him socks, and

Trevin Hunte Performs "And I Am Telling You" on The Voice

Last night on NBC's The Voice, Trevin Hunte performed "And I am Telling You" from Dream Girls, the show-stealing ballad made famous by Jennifer Holliday and Jennifer Hudson. He changed the words to, "I'm the best man you'll ever know. There's no way I could ever go." His performance seems to have undone Christina Aguilera. She told him that if he does not get a record contract, she wants him to